Keyword Research Tools

To find the best keywords there includes many steps. First, you have to generate keywords ideas on your head.
Keyword Research Tools And EXTENSION

Here is the step by step process I use.

Step One:
This step can be called "brainstorm keyword ideas".
Tips for better keyword ideas

  • Think about the "product" or "thing" you want to write about.
  • Browse through facebook groups, twitter or other physical community( such as the marketplace, shopping destination, or peoples community) related to the topics you wanted to work on.
  • Ask help from a friend.

The second step is finding the search volume and competition score. And them most importantly finding the right acronyms or keyword phrases that people search in google.

  • This could be different keyword set. People may call a thing differently then you think. 
  • In this step, you will find and list the top searched keywords, and their competition aka difficulty metrics using tools below.

Tools And extensions for finding keywords search value and competition metrics.

The best free website tools and extension for 2018 and in 2019 are,


  • A free tools for finding search volume, 
  • Search competition or difficulty, 
  • Related search and
  • SERP ranked page states. 
  • Competition matrics show difficulty for both paid and organic search.
  • But there is no option for finding global search volume.
  • Search suggestion is not good enough.

Keyword Everywhere Extension

Free and a must have "free extension" for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

  • Free,
  • Include google related search
  • Global Search Volume
  • Show the same search volume on keywords singular and popular form.
  • Show kw difficulty for paid search.

Google AdWords: Keyword Planner

Long ago this was the best and only used tool for this purpose.

  • Best for generating ideas
  • Related Keyword suggestion is awesome
  • It does not show search volume.
  • The competition metrics are for the paid campaign.
You can use keyword everywhere extension to show search volume. 


This is a paid tool that offers daily 5 searches for a free account. 


Compact tool, best visual presentation. Problem is free account only offer 10 searches a day.


Now, before finalizing a keyword phrase there is one more step I follow. You also need to do the same. 

In this stage, you need to find that the seasonality of a kw. 

There is a perfect tool for that is called Google Trends 

  • First, search for a keyword and choose the appropriate category, country or worldwide(global).
  • Check Kw search history for the last 90 days, 12 months and Five years.
Here are some other tools... 

Tools and Extension for Generating Keyword IDES 

Thanks! please leave a comment below for appreciating or suggestion.

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